Men's Health


Penile Health


The penis is an external sex organ through which men urinate and ejaculate.  

It is made up of 3 parts:

  • The root - the part that is attached to your body. It lies within the perineum and pubic arch. 
  • The shaft - the external part of the penis
  • The epithelium - consists of the shaft skin and the foreskin.

Every penis is a different size and shape, and it is normal for your penis to curve slightly. 

Penis health is more than the ability to get an erection and ejaculate. Many different things affect penis health, such as lifestyle, hygiene and health conditions. They can affect your ability to urinate comfortable, your ability to get or maintain an erection and your fertility. 

Practicing good hygience is essential for your health and you should wash your penis and groin often to keep it clean. 

Poor hygiene can cause a build-up of smegma, an oily substance known to occur below the foreskin. 

If smegma builds up, it can cause inflammation and irritation and lead to balanitis

See the following tips on keeping your penis clean: 

  • Wash your pubic mound and the skin between your thighs and the base of your penis. 
  • Wash the shaft of your penis. 
  • If you have a foreskin, gently pull it back and wash it. 
  • Wash your scrotum and the skin around it.
  • Wash your perineum. 
  • Wash your bum. 

You should wash your penis at least once a day when you take a shower or bath. 



The testicles, or testes, are the reproductive glands of men. They produce sperm and secrete hormones, primarily testosterone. 

Men have two testicles of similar size, though  it is normal for one may be slightly bigger than the other. They are contained within the scrotum. 

It is important to regularly check your testicles for lumps or swellings. It will help you familiarise yourself with what is normal for you and make it notice any changes. 

The best time to check your testicles is after a warm shower or bath. To check your testicles: 

  • Stand in front of a mirror if possible.
  • Hold your testicles in your palm.
  • Roll each testicle between your thumb and forefinger.
  • Gently feel the surface of each testicle.

A healthy testicle should have a firm, smooth surface but not feel hard. 

When carrying out your check, you may feel something tube-like behind each ball. This is the tube that carries sperm from each testicle, called the epididymis. 

Lumps and swellings in the testicles can have a lot of different causes. Most of the time, they are caused by something less serious such as a build-up of fluid (cyst) or swollen veins (varicocele), but they can be a sign of something more serious like testicular cancer. 

If you feel a lump, swelling or have noticed a change in your testicles, you should always see a doctor. 


Prostate Enlargement

The prostate is a small gland that produces a thick, white fluid that gets mixed with sperm to create semen. It is located in the pelvis, between the penis and bladder, and surrounds the urethra. It is about the size and shape of a walnut, though it can get bigger as you get older. It can also become swollen and englarged by health conditions.

Prostate problems are very common. More than 1 in 3 men over 50 will have symptoms of prostate enlargement

It's unkown why the prostate gets bigger as you get older, but it isn't caused by cancer and doesn't increate your risk of developing prostate cancer. 

Some signs of an enlarged prostate are: 

  • difficulty starting or stopping urinating 
  • a weak flow of urine 
  • feeling like you're not able to fully empty your bladder
  • needing to pee more frequently or suddenly 
  • waking up frequently during the night to pee 

 You should see your doctor if you experience any problems or changes to your usual pattern of urination. 


Prostatitis is a condition where the prostate becomes inflamed. It's sometimes caused by bacterial infection, although more often it is unclear what the cause is and no infection can be found. 

Men of any ages can develop prostatitis, though it generally affects men over 50. 

Symptoms can include: 

  • Pain in the perineum 
  • Pain the pelvis, genitals, lower back and/or buttocks
  • Pain when urinating 
  • A frequent urge to pee
  • Difficult starting to pee 
  • Pain when ejaculating 

It can usually be treated with painkillers and medication known as alpha-blockers, which help to relax the muscles of the prostate and bladder neck. If there is a bacterial infection, it can also sometimes be treated with antibiotics. 

Most men will recover within a few weeks or months. 

You should see your GP if you have any of these symptoms.  

Prostate Cancer

Like any part of the body, the prostate can also develop cancer.

Prostate cancer usually develops slowly over many years. Symptoms may not show for a long time and usually only appear when the prostate is large enough to affect the urethra. You may notice: 

  • Increased urge to urinate 
  • Straining while you pee 
  • Feeling like your bladder has not fully emptied 
  • Weak flow
  • Blood in urine or semen

Though these symptoms may not mean you have cancer, you should still be checked by a doctor if you notice any. 

The chances of developing prostate cancer increase as you age. 

There is no single test for prostate cancer, but the most commonly used are: 

PSA blood tests are not routinely offered on the NHS, but you can request one if you are over 50. 

If you are diagnosed with prostate cancer, you may not require any treatment. If treatment is required, they can include: 



Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction (also known as impotence) is when you are either: 

  • Unable to get an erection
  • Unable to keep an erection long enough to have sex

It is very common, particularly in men over 40, and is usually nothing to worry about. 

It is usually caused by stress, tiredness or drinking too much alcohol. It can also be a side effect of some medicines. 

You should see your doctor if it happens often and does not seem to improve, as it could be caused by another condition such as:

  • High blood pressure or cholesterol
  • Diabetes
  • Depression or anxiety
  • Hormones

There are lifestyle changes you can make to help erectile dysfunction, such as weight loss, healthy diet, regular exercise, etc. It is also important to treat the root cause of the problem, such as switching medication if it is cause your erectile dysfunction, treating high blood pressure/cholesterol or hormonal problems, or taking up counselling/therapy for mental health issues. 

There are also medications known as PDE-5 inhibitors that help improve erectile dysfunction by increasing blood flow to the penis. They are available on prescription or at a pharmacy.


HPV (human papillomavirus) is a common group of more than 100 viruses that are passed on by sexual contact. 

Most men who have HPV of any type will never develop any symptoms or health problems. Some types of HPV can cause genital warts.  

There is currently no reliable way to test for HPV in men and there is no reliable treatments. Most people will get HPV at some point in their life and it will usually get better on its own spontaneously. 

There are some types of high-risk HPV that can cause cancer. The most well known type is cervical cancer, but it can also cause penile cancer, anal cancer and some types of head and neck cancers. 

However, it is more likely that HPV in men will go unnoticed and not cause any cancer.

You can protect yourself from HPV by vaccinating against it. It is available for boys and girls aged 12 to 13. If you are a man that has sex with other men and you attend a sexual health or HIV clinic, you can also get the HPV vaccine. 

The "Male Menopause"

The "male menopause" (also known as andropause) is a misleading and inaccurate term. It attributes certain symptoms men in their 40s and 50s experience to a sudden drop in testosterone, which is not true.

Though testosterone levels fall naturally as men age, the decline is steady (about 1% a year from the age of 30 to 40), and is unlikely to cause any issues. 

As they age, some men may experience: 

  • Erectile dysfunction 
  • Loss of sex drive
  • Depression, mood swings and irritability 
  • Poor concentration
  • Lack of enthusiasm or energy 
  • Fat redistribution 
  • Loss of muscle mass and reduced ability to exercise 

These symptoms can interfere with everyday life. If you experience these sorts of changes as you age, you should speak to your doctor to investigate and treat the cause. 

In some cases, symptoms of "male menopause" can be caused by late-onset hypogonadism. This is a condition where the body doesn't produce enough testosterone.

It is usually present from birth and can cause symptoms like delayed puberty and small testes, but it can occassionally develop later in life, particularly in men who are obses or have type-2 diabetes. However, this is uncommon and not a normal part of ageing.  

Hair Loss

Male pattern hair loss, also known as male androgenetic alopecia, is genetically determined, patterned, progressive hair loss. It usually involves the front and sides of the scalp and progresses towards the back of the head. 

Onset of hair loss usually begins between 20 - 25 years and the prevalence and severity increase with age.

It is incredibly common, with around 30% of men are affected by 30 years old, 50% by 50 years and 80% by 70. 

It should be a gradual progression, so if you notice sudden, significant or patchy hair loss, you should consult with your doctor to ensure there is no underlying medical reason.

Hair loss can be distressing. There are options and treatments available, such as the following, but not all treatments are available on the NHS. 

  • Home remedies, such as: massaging the scalp daily, eating more protein and iron, using oils like rosemary or pumpkin seed oil. 
  • Aesthetic options, such as hairpieces or wigs. 
  • Drug treatment such as finasteride and minoxidil or steroid injections. 
  • Surgical options, such as a hair transplant. 

However, no treatment is needed. There is nothing wrong at all with baldness and you may choose to let your hair loss run its course untreated and unhidden. Losing hair can be upsetting though and there are alopecia support groups available if you are struggling.

Mental Health

It is undeniable that men are experiencing a mental health crisis as a result of historical societal expectations of masculinity. 

Men are often told to "man up" and do not express their emotions and struggles and do not seek help, perhaps for fear of judgement or that they just do not think they need help. 

The reality is that men aged 40 to 49 have the highest suicide rate in the UK, 3 out of 4 people who take their own lives are men, and 12.5% of men in England have a mental health disorder. 

Not only that, but men are more likely to develop an alcohol or drug dependence and sleep rough than women. 

The good news is that there is more attention on this issue than ever before and great strides are being made to change the attitude towards men's mental health, although there is still a lot of work to be done. Mind UK have a great report that shows how men's mental health has changed over 10 years. 

It is important to remember that you are not alone, that your mental health struggles are valid, and that it is not weak to seek help.

You should make an appointment to see your GP if you are struggling with you mental health. We have also linked male-specific mental health resources below, or please visit our Mental Health page for more information and support. 


Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

An abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a swelling in the artery (aorta) that carries blood from the heart to the abdomen.

Most aneurysms do not cause problems but they can be serious, as there is a risk they could rupture. They often have no symptoms. If the aneurym becomes large, you may notice back or tummy pain or a pulsing feeling in your tummy.   

Men are more at risk of getting an AAA, so all men are offered a screening test when they turn 65.

The test consists of an ultrasound scan of your trummy that checks for an aneurysm. You'll be told at the end of the test if you have one and how big it is if you do. 3cm - 4.4cm or small is classed as a small aneurysm. 4.5cm to 5.4cm is a a medium, and 5.5 or bigger is a large aneurysm. 

If you do have an AAA, the treatment will depend on how big it is. If it is small, then you will be given lifestyle advice such as quitting smoking and eating healthier to stop it from growing. You may also need to lower blood pressure or cholestrerol and may be prescribed medication for that. 

If it is a large aneurysm, you may need surgery to reduce the risk of it bursting. 

You'll usually need regular scans if an AAA is found to monitor it, as they usually get bigger over time. If it ruptures, you will need emergency surgery. 

You can lower your risk of developing an AAA by making healthy lifestyle changes, such as a healthy diet, regular exercise, cut down on alcohol and quitting smoking.