Travel Health

Travel vaccinations

Do you need vaccinations?

It is your responsibility to investigate which travel vaccines are needed for your holiday.  As different countries have ever-changing requirements and recommendations we advise that you investigate the vaccination programme you require as early as possible.   We recommend travel websites such as: or where you can find information regarding the countries and areas that you are visiting to determine which vaccinations are required.

The NHS offers Diptheria, Tetanus, Polio, Hepatitis A, Typhoid and Cholera vaccinations free of charge and these vaccinations can be given at the Lodge Surgery on completion of a Travel Questionnaire. You can collect a paper copy from Reception.

Prescriptions for malaria medication can be provided by the surgery at a cost of £20 plus the normal prescription charge payable to the pharmacy.  You can also get malaria advice and certain anti-malaria tablets from the ASDA pharmacy in Melksham.

To find out more select the region you are travelling to:


Central Asia

East Asia

Australasia & Pacific


Central America

Europe & Russia

Middle East

North America

South America & Antarctica

Travel Assessment

If you are travelling abroad please complete and submit the travel questionnaire. This must be with us at least 4 weeks prior to travel; one of our nurses will then be able to review your medical notes and contact you for an appointment accordingly.

If you are travelling at short notice, or require vaccines which are not available on the NHS, please contact one of the private travel clinics in the area for further information. PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU WILL BE CHARGED AT THESE CLINICS FOR ALL VACCINES, EVEN THE ONES WHICH WOULD USUALLY BE FREE ON THE NHS - THESE ARE PRIVATE FEE PAYING CLINICS.

Private Travel Clinics:

Bristol Travel Clinic - 0117 975 5500

Bristol Nomad Travel Clinic - 0117 922 6567


Further Travel Information

The following websites will give you additional travel advice:

Travel Health for information of vaccinations available on NHS for specific country travel advice

GHIC to apply for your free European Health Insurance Card